Write a love letter to yourself.
It is what only you know
what you would like to tell yourself.
The love letter begins
"I love you, (write your name here)".
And then, put the love letter in the bottle.
The a.i.=bottle
is filled up with the love and brilliance in us.
*AI means love in Japanese.
a.i.=bottleは 参加型のプロジェクトです。
2014 神奈川文学館、横浜、神奈川
2013 万画廊、銀座、東京
2013 鎌倉ドゥローイングギャラリー、鎌倉、神奈川
2012 ギャラリーチフリグリ、仙台、宮城
2011 Rennert, New York, U.S.A.
2010 Rennert, New York, U.S.A.
2010 Brandon College , San Francisco, U.S.A.
2010 ギャラリーJack and the Beanstalk、鎌倉、神奈川
2009 ギャラリー Sonrisita、 葉山、神奈川
Copyright(c) since 2007 Haruyasu YANAGI All rights reserved.
Copyright(c) since 2007 Haruyasu YANAGI All rights reserved.